3 Direct Mail Design Fails to Avoid for Small Artists & Businesses!

3 Direct Mail Design Fails to Avoid for Small Artists & Businesses!

Hey there, creative entrepreneurs and small biz owners! We know direct mail might seem old-school, but it’s still one of the best ways to get your art or business in front of people—and it doesn't have to be hard! The USPS recently shared their top 3 challenges when creating direct mail, so let’s break them down in a fun, easy-to-understand way, and make sure your next campaign is a hit! 

1. Odd Shapes = Extra Costs! 

We know you want to stand out, and quirky, fun shapes like squares or tubes seem like a great idea, right? Well... they might catch the eye, but they also catch higher postage fees!  Why? Because the post office has to handle these babies manually, which means more $$$ from you. These pieces fall into Customized Marketing Mail (CMM), and trust us, those fees add up quickly.

💡 Pro Tip: Stick to standard-sized pieces! You can still make them look amazing without breaking the bank. And if you're thinking of adding something fun, like a cute sticker or keychain in an envelope, be careful! Bulky items might get damaged or, worse, lost. 

Think about it like this: You want your design and message to stand out, not your postage bill! 

2. Address Placement = Delivery Success! 

You’ve poured your heart into designing a mailer—don’t let a misplaced address stop it from reaching your customers!  Your mailing address needs to be on the front, on the same side as the postage, and perfectly placed so the USPS doesn’t hit a speed bump when processing it.

Here's your guide to nailing the address placement:

  • ½ inch from the left and right edges.
  • 2-¾ inches to 5/8 inch from the bottom.

💡 Pro Tip: Add a return address (seriously!)—especially if you're using precanceled stamps or a company permit imprint. That way, if your mail gets returned, it comes back to you for a second shot at reaching your fans! 

3. Misplaced Markings = Mail Confusion! 

When it comes to postage, placement is everything! Make sure your stamp, meter, or permit imprint goes in the top right corner of your piece. Simple enough, right? But don't stop there! You also need to include the Class of Mail (like First-Class, Marketing Mail™, or Nonprofit) below or next to the postage.

And don’t forget the barcode if you want to save some serious cash. If you're mailing a lot (think flyers or postcards), barcodes are your BFF—they help speed up the sorting process and qualify you for automation discounts

💡 Pro Tip: Barcodes may not sound glamorous, but they’re a direct mail game-changer for small businesses—helping you keep costs low and mail efficiency high! 

Direct Mail Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated—We’re Here to Help! 

USPS rules can be a little overwhelming, especially when you're focused on running your creative business or art side hustle. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! At Kult Kawaii, we help small artists and businesses make sure their direct mail pieces are USPS-approved and ready to go at the lowest postage rates possible.

So go ahead—dream up your most creative designs, and we’ll handle the postal nitty-gritty. 

With these simple tips, you’ll be ready to send direct mail that stands out, gets noticed, and most importantly—lands in your customers' hands! 

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